
Sewer Repair

When cleaning a sewer isn’t possible, or reoccurring issues require a sewer or drain replacement, we can dispatch one of our experienced crews to make necessary repairs. Typical sewer repairs require replacing clogged or broken vitrified clay pipes, and installing PVC. Most residential sewer lines are 6 inches in diameter, and can be anywhere from 2 feet to 10 feet deep.

To replace sewer lines, we will lay plywood down next to the trench, excavate and pile up soil on the plywood, replace the pipes and cover the pipe with gravel, and fill the trench with the excavated soil. We haul some soil away, since leaving it would mean having a 3 foot high pile of dirt in the lawn. We do leave the trench about 6-12 inches high to allow for some settling. Once the trench has settled, the homeowner can top it off with good topsoil and reseed the trench. The plywood protects the lawn from the soil, and helps provides a clean job site and easy cleanup for our crew.

Residential sewer repair

Residential sewer repair project

Screened & Approved by HomeAdvisor Better Business Bureau Accredited Business

Hours: Weekdays 8:00am - 5:00pm, Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm, Closed Sunday
Plumbing License: #34283
Phone: (440) 943-2233